Friday, July 9, 2021

A Collection of 2020 Recorded Presentations

2020 was "interesting". One good thing that came out of it is that I had the chance to speak remotely for some user groups and conferences that I would not normally get to attend in person. Many of those presentations were recorded. Here's a list for anyone who is interested

Abstract Art: Getting Abstraction "Just Right" (Apr 2020)

Modern Devs Charlotte

Abstraction is awesome. And abstraction is awful. Too little, and our applications are difficult to extend and maintain. Too much, and our applications are difficult to extend and maintain. Finding the balance is the key to success. The first step is to identify your natural tendency as an under-abstractor or an over-abstractor. Once we know that, we can work on real-world techniques to dial in the level of abstraction that is "just right" for our applications.

I'll Get Back to You: Task, Await, and Asynchronous Methods in C# (Apr 2020)

Enterprise Developers Guild

There's a lot of confusion about async/await, Task/TPL, and asynchronous and parallel programming in general. So let's start with the basics and look at how we can consume asynchronous methods using Task and then see how the "await" operator can makes things easier for us. Along the way, we’ll look at continuations, cancellation, and exception handling.

A Banjo Made Me a Better Developer (May 2020)

Dev Around the Sun

What does a banjo have to do with software development? They both require learning. And picking up a banjo later in life showed me 3 things that I've brought into my developer life. (1) You can learn; a growth mindset removes blockages. (2) You don't have to be afraid to ask for help; experienced banjoists/developers can point you in the right direction. (3) You don't have to be perfect before you share what you've learned; it's okay to show what you have "in progress". In combination, these have made me a better banjo player and a better developer.

I'll Get Back to You: Task, Await, and Asynchronous Methods in C# (Jun 2020)

Houston .NET User Group

There's a lot of confusion about async/await, Task/TPL, and asynchronous and parallel programming in general. So let's start with the basics and look at how we can consume asynchronous methods using Task and then see how the "await" operator can makes things easier for us. Along the way, we’ll look at continuations, cancellation, and exception handling.

What's New in C# 8 Interfaces (and how to use them effectively) (Jun 2020)

Southeast Valley .NET User Group
North West Valley .NET User Group

C# 8 brings new features to interfaces, including default implementation, access modifiers, and static members. We'll look at these new features and see where they are useful and where they should be avoided. With some practical tips, "gotchas", and plenty of examples, we'll see how to use these features effectively in our code.

What's New in C# 8 Interfaces (and how to use them effectively) (Jul 2020)

Tulsa Developers Association

C# 8 brings new features to interfaces, including default implementation, access modifiers, and static members. We'll look at these new features and see where they are useful and where they should be avoided. With some practical tips, "gotchas", and plenty of examples, we'll see how to use these features effectively in our code.

I'll Get Back to You: Task, Await, and Asynchronous Methods in C# (Aug 2020)

Code PaLOUsa

There's a lot of confusion about async/await, Task/TPL, and asynchronous and parallel programming in general. So let's start with the basics and look at how we can consume asynchronous methods using Task and then see how the "await" operator can makes things easier for us. Along the way, we’ll look at continuations, cancellation, and exception handling.

Get Func-y: Understanding Delegates in C# (Oct 2020)

St Pete .NET

Delegates are the gateway to functional programming. So let's understand delegates and how we can change the way we program by using functions as parameters, return types, variables, and properties. In addition, we'll see how the built in delegate types, Func and Action, are waiting to make our lives easier. By the time we're done, we'll see how delegates can add elegance, extensibility, and safety to our programming. And as a bonus, you'll have a few functional programming concepts to take with you.

More to Come!

I have a few more recordings from 2021 presentations, and I'll post those soon. As always, if you'd like me to visit your user group, drop me a line. I'll see what I can do about being there online or in person (once in-person stuff is a bit more back to normal).

Happy Coding!

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