Sunday, January 31, 2021

Go (golang) Channels - Moving Data Between Concurrent Processes

Go has concurrency baked in to the language -- concurrent operations are referred to as "goroutines". But concurrency is a little more complicated than running multiple operations concurrently. We often need to move data from one operation to another. For example, we may have an operation that produces data and another operation that displays or processes that data. One way of doing this in Go is by using a channel.
A channel is a queue that allows us to send data between concurrent operations.
Let's take a look at channels in Go to see how we can use them to communicate between concurrent operations. And we'll do a quick comparison to Channel<T> in C#.

Motivation: I have been using C# as a primary language for 15 years. Exploring other languages gives us insight into different ways of handling programming tasks. Even though Go (golang) is not my production language, I've found several features and conventions to be interesting. By looking at different paradigms, we can grow as programmers and become more effective in our primary language.

Resources: For links to a video walkthrough, CodeTour, and additional articles, see A Tour of Go for the C# Developer.

Go Channels

A channel in Go only has a few operations. We can put an item onto a channel, and we can take an item off of a channel -- similar to "enqueue" and "dequeue" on a Queue in C#.

If a channel is full (meaning, it has reached capacity), then trying to add an item to the channel will block until there is space available. If a channel is empty, then trying to take an item off of the channel will block until there is an item to read. We'll see how this affects things in just a bit.

Before using a channel, we create it (using "make") and decide the type that is holds and how many items it can hold. After we're done putting things onto the channel, we can close it. This will indicate to anyone pulling items off of the channel that there will be no more items.

Let's look at each of these features more closely.

Creating a Channel

To create a channel, we use the built-in "make" function. Here's an example of creating a channel that holds an integer:

    ch := make(chan int)

By default, a channel has a capacity of "1", meaning it can only hold one item at a time. If we try to add an item to a channel that is at capacity, that operation will block until there is space available. (Space would be made available when an operation takes an item off of the channel.)

We can also include a capacity to the "make" function. The following code creates a channel that can hold 10 integers:

    ch := make(chan int, 10)

Managing the capacity of a channel is important. When I was first starting, I left the capacity at the default of 1. This lead to blocking operations that were difficult to debug. Make sure that the channel is big enough to keep things flowing.

Putting an Item onto a Channel

To put an item onto a channel, we use the "<-" operator with the arrow pointing toward the channel variable. Here's how we can add the integer "3" to the channel "ch":

    ch <- 3

Indicating how a channel will be used
One interesting thing about channels is that we can indicate how they will be used in a function. Here's a function declaration:

    func calculateNextPrime(lastPrime int, ch chan<- int) {
      nextPrime := getNextPrime(lastPrime)
      ch <- nextPrime

In the function parameter, we have a channel called "ch" that holds integers ("ch chan<- int"). But notice the arrow that is in the declaration. The arrow pointing toward "chan" indicates that this function will only put items onto a channel; it will not take items off of the channel.

Indicating a direction is not required; we can use a bi-directional channel as a parameter for a function. But by indicating a direction, this gives us some safety. If we try to take an item off of the channel in this function, we will get a compiler error.

Closing a Channel

When we are done writing to a channel, it's best if we close it. Here's how to close a channel (named "ch"):


Closing a channel does a couple of things for us. First, if we try to write to a channel that has been closed, we get a "panic". This is an illegal operation that will cause our application to exit with an error.

More interesting is what happens when we read from a closed channel. If the channel still contains items, then we can continue to take items off of the channel. But once the channel is empty, if we try to take an item, it will not block. We'll see a bit more of this in the next section.

Taking an Item off of a Channel

There are a couple of different ways to take an item off of a channel.

Note: this is often referred to as "reading" an item off of a channel, but it is a "read and remove" operation. There is no way to "peek" at an item on a channel (meaning, look at the item without removing it). In addition, there is no way to see how many items are currently on a channel.

To read an item off of a channel, use the "<-" operator with the arrow pointed away from the channel.

    var prime int
    prime = <-ch

This code reads an integer off of the channel and assigns it to the "prime" variable.

We can also combine the creation and assignment of a variable with the ":=" operator:

    prime := <-ch

As mentioned above, if the channel is empty, these operations will block until an item is available. If an item is never added to the channel (and the channel remains open), the result is an operation that will "hang".

Reading from a closed channel
Also as mentioned above, empty channels behave a bit differently when the channel is closed. If we assume the channel "ch" is empty and closed, what happens with the following operation?

    prime := <-ch

This operation does not block since the channel is closed. The variable "prime" will have the default value for an integer (which is 0). If we have a struct or another type, this may be an empty struct or a nil. This is not the best result. For safety, we would need to check to see if the value is valid before using it. But there is another option.

If we expect that a channel may be closed, we can use the following construct: 

    prime, ok := <-ch
    if !ok {
      // channel is closed and "prime" is not valid

Reading from a channel returns 2 values, the item on the channel and a Boolean (true/false) value to indicate if the read was successful. If the read is successful (such a reading a value), then the second value is "true". If the read is unsuccessful (such as reading from an empty, closed channel), then the value is "false".

Reading until a channel is closed
One common scenario is wanting to read all of the available values from a channel until the channel is closed. This can be done with a "for" loop, as in the following:

    for {
      prime, ok := <-ch
      if !ok {

This uses an infinite "for" loop (i.e., a "for" loop without a condition) -- for more information on loops, see the earlier article: Go (golang) Loops - A Unified "for". If the channel is closed, then "ok" will be false. The "break" exits out of the loop.

But we can also use a "for" with a "range" to read from a channel.

    for prime := range ch {

This uses a "range" on the channel and assigns the value to "prime". When the channel is closed, the "for" loop exits. I find this version a bit easier to read.

Relating Channels to C#

I haven't talked too much about C# at this point. When I first started looking at Go several years ago, I thought channels were pretty interesting, but there wasn't anything similar in C#. That changed with .NET Core 3.0.

C# now has a Channel<T> class. I won't go into detail about it here. I've been working on an example using my Digit Recognition application (, and this will be a separate article in the near future.

But I will note a few examples from the project (specifically, from the "digit-console-channel/Program.cs" file).

    var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<Prediction>();

The above code creates a channel that holds "Prediction" objects -- like Go, a channel can only hold one type of item. The "CreateUnbounded" means that it does not have a pre-defined capacity. We can also create a bounded channel that has a fixed capacity.

One difference is that C# channels have explicit "Reader" and "Writer" properties. Here's a function declaration that uses a "ChannelReader":

    private static async Task Listen(
      ChannelReader<Prediction> reader, 
List<Prediction> log,
      bool mini = false)

This function indicates that it will only read from the channel. To call this function, we can use the "Reader" property on a channel variable:

    var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<Prediction>();
    var listener = Listen(channel.Reader, log, mini);

Using a channel writer is similar to this.

In addition, we should close the channel when we're done writing to it. This is done with the "Complete" function on the "Writer".

    private static async Task Produce(
      ChannelWriter<Prediction> writer, 
string[] rawData,)
      var prediction = getPrediction(rawData);


The above is a simplified version of a function that uses a channel writer. After it is done writing (using "WriteAsync" (yes, lots of stuff is async here)), we can call the "Complete" function to close the channel.

As with Go, we can also read from a channel using a looping operation.

    private static async Task Listen(
      ChannelReader<Prediction> reader, 
List<Prediction> log,
      bool mini = false)
      await foreach (Prediction prediction in reader.ReadAllAsync())
        // Display the result
        WriteOutput(prediction, mini);

This is also simplified. But we can see a "foreach" on the channel "Reader". As with the "Writer", a lot of things are async (which we won't go into here). The "ReadAllAsync" function returns an "IAsyncEnumerable" that we can "await foreach". It's a bit confusing until you get used to it.

This "await foreach" will wait for a new item to be available in the channel. It may need to pause until an item is available. Once the channel writer is "Complete" (i.e., closed), then the foreach loop will exit.

The C# version of channels is a bit more involved than the Go version (particularly with the async parts in C#), but the same concepts are there: creating a channel, writing to it, reading from it, and closing it. I've been spending a bit of time exploring C# channels, and I'm looking forward to writing about them in more detail.

Update: If you're interested in learning more about C# Channels, here's an article: Introduction to Channels in C#.

When to Close a Channel

One problem that may come up in our code is that we may not have a good place to close a channel. For example, consider the following Go code:

    func fetchPersonToChannel(id int, ch chan<- person) {
      p, err := getPerson(id)
      if err != nil {
        log.Printf("err calling getPerson(%d): %v", id, err)
      ch <- p

This function makes a service call (with "getPerson") and writes the results to a channel. This function is called multiple times in a "for" loop:

    for _, id := range ids {
      go fetchPersonToChannel(id, ch)

This loops through a collection and calls the "fetchPersonToChannel" function concurrently (notice the "go").

So when is it safe to close the channel?

If we close the channel immediately after the "for" loop, we will run into problems. The concurrent operations are not complete at that point, so we would end up closing the channel before we are done with it. This will result is a "panic" when those operations try to write to the closed channel.

One answer to this problem is to use a WaitGroup. This is a sort of reference counter where we can keep track of running operations.

And we'll explore WaitGroup in the next article.

Wrap Up

Channels in Go are really interesting. Since a channel is fairly limited in what we can do with it, there's not a whole lot that we need to learn to be proficient.

The biggest stumbling block that I've come across when using channels is inadvertently blocking operations. There have been times when a channel capacity is not big enough, and I have blocked my code trying to add to the channel. And there have been times where I have not closed a channel, and I have blocked my code trying to read from a channel.

But once I got the hang of if, things started to go much more smoothly. And I've taken what I've learned from channels in Go and applied much of it to using Channel<T> in C#. They are not exactly equivalent because Go and C# handle concurrent code quite a bit differently, but there are definitely ideas we can share. We'll explore channels in C# in an upcoming article.

Until then, keep exploring.

Happy Coding!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Go (golang) Goroutines - Running Functions Asynchronously

I've been exploring the Go programming language (golang). A really cool feature is that running functions asynchronously is built right in to the language.

How to Run a Function Asynchronously

Normal function call:


Asynchronous function call:

    go processData(incomingData)

Add a "go" before the call. Now it is a goroutine, and it runs asynchronously.

That's it. That's the post.

So, there is more...
Okay, asynchronous programming is more complicated than this. Once we have multiple things running at the same time, we need to know when they complete and often communicate results between asynchronous processes. In Go, we can use "WaitGroup" and "channel" to help with this. But that's a bigger topic for another article.

Additional Articles:

Motivation: I have been using C# as a primary language for 15 years. Exploring other languages gives us insight into different ways of handling programming tasks. Even though Go (golang) is not my production language, I've found several features and conventions to be interesting. By looking at different paradigms, we can grow as programmers and become more effective in our primary language.

Resources: For links to a video walkthrough, CodeTour, and additional articles, see A Tour of Go for the C# Developer.

Happy Coding!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Go (golang) Multiple Return Values - Different from C# Tuples

One of the features that I like in the Go programming language (golang) is that functions can return multiple values. In C#, we can mimic something similar using tuples, but they are not quite the same.
Go functions can return multiple values.
Let's take a look at how this works and how it differs from what is available in C#.

Motivation: I have been using C# as a primary language for 15 years. Exploring other languages gives us insight into different ways of handling programming tasks. Even though Go (golang) is not my production language, I've found several features and conventions to be interesting. By looking at different paradigms, we can grow as programmers and become more effective in our primary language.

Resources: For links to a video walkthrough, CodeTour, and additional articles, see A Tour of Go for the C# Developer.

Multiple Return Values

In a prior article, we took a look at deferring operations (Go (golang) defer - A Better finally). Part of that included an example of a function that returns multiple values. Let's start with the same function from that article.

The function is called "getPerson", and it fetches data from a web service. You can see this function on GitHub in the "CodeTour: Go for the C# Developer" repository: (starting on line 27).

This function returns multiple values, and inside the body, it calls a function that returns multiple values.

Here's the function declaration:

    func getPerson(id int) (person, error) {

The declaration starts with "func" followed by the named of the function ("getPerson").

Next is the parameter set (enclosed in parentheses). In this case, we have a parameter named "id" which is an integer.

Next, we have the return types (also enclosed in parentheses). This indicates that this function returns 2 values: one of type "person" (a struct) and one of type "error" (a built-in type).

Note: There are several ways for declaring return types. If we only have a single return type, we do not need the parentheses. In addition, we can name the return values (similar to how the parameters are named). For more information, take a look at the "Function declarations" steps in the Code Tour (available on GitHub:

Returning Multiple Values
There are several code paths that return multiple values. In each case either the "person" or the "error" is populated (but not both). This follows the error handling philosophy in Go. For more information, see the previous article: Go (golang) Error Handling - A Different Philosophy.

Here is an error path that has a return:

    if err != nil {
      return person{}, fmt.Errorf("error fetching person: %v", err)

This shows a "return" statement that returns 2 values (delimited by a comma). The first value ("person{}") is an empty struct. "person" is a struct that contains multiple data fields. Structs themselves cannot be nil (null in C#), so we use an empty struct here. In an empty struct, all of the fields have default values (0 for integers, "" for strings, etc.).

The second return value is an "error". For more information on error handling, see the article mentioned above.

As another example, let's look at the "happy path" -- the last few lines of the function.

    var p person
    err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&p)
    ... // skipping the error handling
    return p, nil

In this code, "p" is a variable of type "person". The "Decode" function parses a JSON result and populates the "p" variable.

The final return statement returns the variable "p" for the "person" and "nil" for the "error".

So we return multiple values from a function by separating the values with commas.

Using Multiple Return Values

This shows how we can declare a function that returns multiple values, but how do we use those values? We can see an example of this in the first 2 lines of our function:

    url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:9874/people/%d", id)
    resp, err := http.Get(url)

The first line creates a URL for a web service call.

Note: the ":=" operator both creates a variable and assigns a value to it. The type of the variable is inferred based on the assignment (similar to a "var" in C#). Here is the equivalent of the first line in C#:

    var url = string.Format("http://localhost:9874/people/{0}", id);

The next line of our Go function is where things get more interesting.

    resp, err := http.Get(url)

"http.Get()" sends a web request and returns 2 values: a pointer to a response (*Response) and an error (error). To capture both of these values, we can use the ":=" operator to create and assign variables. Since we have multiple return values, we have multiple variables on the left of the ":=" operator.

The end result is that "resp" contains the "*Response" value and "err" contains the "error" value.

Using the getPerson Function
To relate declaring and using a function with multiple return values, let's go back to the "getPerson" function. Here's the declaration again:

    func getPerson(id int) (person, error) {
       ... // most of the function
       return p, nil

This function is used later in the sample code. (You can find this on line 72 of the file in the GitHub repository:

    p, err := getPerson(id)

This calls the "getPerson" function and captures the "person" and "error" values in variables named "p" and "err", respectively.

Different from Tuples

We can mimic something similar to this in C# by using tuples, but tuples are a bit different. To see the difference, let's look at a similar function declaration in C#.

    func getPerson(id int) (person, error) {
       ... // most of the function
       return p, nil

    static (Person, Error) GetPerson(int id)
      ... // most of the function
      return (p, err);

The C# version looks fairly similar to the Go version. The difference is that the Go function returns 2 separate values; the C# function returns a tuple -- a single item that contains multiple values.

Looks the Same...
We can mimic the different ways to get values from the function:

    p, err := getPerson(id)

    var (p, err) = GetPerson(id);

In C#, this creates 2 variables named "p" and "err" that are "Person" and "Error" types, respectively. So this looks pretty much the same as Go.

We can even discard values that we do not want to use:

    p, _ := getPerson(id)

    (var p, _) = GetPerson(id);

In both of these cases, the "error" return value is discarded.

...But Ultimately a Tuple is Different
Even though these look the same, there is something we can do in C# that we cannot do in Go.

    var result = GetPerson(id);

In this case, "result" is a tuple that has the type "(Person, Error)". So a tuple is really a single "thing" that contains multiple elements. In Go, the return values are completely separate.

Tuples are interesting in C# because they let us put multiple values together as a single entity. And C# keeps adding different ways to deconstruct tuples into the various elements. Tuples are becoming more important as time goes on.

Final Thoughts

I find multiple return values to be quite interesting. I really like how Go has baked it into the language. In C#, tuples feel a bit awkward to me -- probably because of the different ways they can be used and deconstructed. I like the clean way that Go lets us easily return multiple values.

This feature makes the error handling philosophy possible. And that's something I find really interesting. (Again, see the prior article for more information: "Go (golang) Error Handling -- A Different Philosophy".)

Along these same lines, F# supports a different construct: Discriminated Unions. This allows us to return a single value, but the type of the value can vary. In our example, we could have a discriminated union that returns a "person" or an "error". I'll leave further exploration about this up to the reader.

The great thing about exploring different languages is that they take different approaches to problems. Along the way, we can also find out the various pros and cons to each approach. Ultimately, this gives us more options in our toolbox, and that makes it easier to pick the right one for a particular scenario.

Keep exploring.

Happy Coding!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Go (golang) Error Handling - A Different Philosophy

In looking at Go (golang) as someone who has spent quite a bit of time in C#, I'm really intrigued by the approach to error handling.
Go has "error" to represent problems that can potentially be handled and "panic" for problems that force an application to exit.
This is significantly different from exceptions and the exception handling mechanism that we see in C#.

Motivation: I have been using C# as a primary language for 15 years. Exploring other languages gives us insight into different ways of handling programming tasks. Even though Go (golang) is not my production language, I've found several features and conventions to be interesting. By looking at different paradigms, we can grow as programmers and become more effective in our primary language.

Resources: For links to a video walkthrough, CodeTour, and additional articles, see A Tour of Go for the C# Developer.

Exceptions in C#

In C#, we are used to exceptions for error handling. An exception is a complex error object that contains a specific type, message, (potentially) an inner exception, a call stack, and other things.

In addition, we rely on an exception handling system that takes care of things for us. When an exception is thrown, it walks up the call stack looking for a "catch" that handles the exception. If it doesn't find one (i.e., the exception is unhandled), the application exits -- usually ungracefully.

As programmers, we can try to catch an exception using a try / catch block. If we think we can do something with the exception, we handle it. Otherwise, we let is go up the call stack to see if someone else can handle it.

We're used to letting the infrastructure do much of the work for us (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Go takes a different approach.

"error" in Go

In contrast, Go uses an "error" (an interface type) that is, at its heart, a wrapper around a string. "error" is a common return type for a function. And this really leaves it up to the programmer to deal with errors a bit more directly. There is no infrastructure for us to tap in to.

Here's a sample function. We'll break down bits of it to see the conventions for error handling in Go. You can see this function on GitHub in the "CodeTour: Go for the C# Developer" repository: (starting on line 13).

Conventional Return Values
Let's look at line 14 for a typical way that errors are provided.

    resp, err := http.Get("http://localhost:9874/people/ids")

The "Get" function returns 2 values (multiple return values are supported in Go). In this case, "Get" returns a pointer to an HTTP response (*Response) and an error (error). These are captured in the variables "resp" and "err", respectively.
Convention: A function returns both data and an error. A non-nil error value means that an error occurred.
This is a common pattern: to return data and an error. If the function needs to return more than one value, then the error is the last return value in the list. This is all by convention; there is nothing in the compiler that enforces this (although a good linting tool will help you out quite a bit -- I use the Go extension with Visual Studio Code).

Checking for Errors
After calling a function that returns an error, the next step is to see if the error is populated. Here is line 14 repeated along with the following lines:

    resp, err := http.Get("http://localhost:9874/people/ids")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error fetching ids: %v", err)

This checks to see if the error is not nil (null in C#). If it is not nil, then the function short-circuits by returning -- in this case using "nil" for the data along with a populated error (we'll look at how the error is created in just a bit).

There are a couple of conventions to note here. First, we check that "error is not nil" before using the data. Next, the "if" does not have a corresponding "else"; instead, the "if" generally exits out of the function (often by returning its own error).
Convention: Check the error before using any data returned from a function. 
Convention: If there is an error, short-circuit the rest of the function.
Note: these are not the only options. For web calls, we can always retry on error, and there are ways to dig deeper to see if we can figure out the source of the problem. But typically, we pass the error along.

Formatting Errors

In the sample above, we use the "fmt.Errorf" function to create an error by wrapping another error. Let's look at this a bit more closely.

    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error fetching ids: %v", err)

As mentioned above, an "error" is more or less a wrapper around a string. The "Errorf()" function returns an "error". The parameter is a string that contains whatever information we want to pass along.

Since we already have an error, we want to append information specific to our function and then pass along the error we received. "Errorf" helps us do that.

The parameter for "Errorf" uses placeholders (known as "verbs" in Go) that are similar to the placeholders in "string.Format()" in C#. The "%v" verb will be filled in with "err". ("%v" means that "natural format" in Go -- this is similar to "ToString" in C#.)

Prepending Errors
By convention, we prepend the incoming error with our message. In the above example, we use "error fetching ids: [incoming error]". This is all by convention.
Convention: Specific error messages are prepended to an existing error.
In addition, due to the conventions around error messages, capitalization and punctuation are important. Because we are creating a string of error messages, we should not include capitalization (implying a "new" thing). For the same reason, we should not include line breaks or other terminators (such as a period).
Convention: Error messages should start with a lower-case letter.
Convention: Error messages should not have line breaks or periods.
These conventions will make more sense when we look at some output.

Sample Error Message

Let's continue with our example to show where the "getIDs" function is called -- this is on line 68 of the previously linked file on GitHub:

    ids, err := getIDs()
    if err != nil {
      log.Fatalf("getIDs failed: %v", err)

This calls the "getIDs" function and then checks for an error. If there is an error, we use the "log.Fatalf" function to log the error and exit the application.

"log.Fatalf" does 2 things. First, it prints a formatted string to the log (which goes to the console by default). This string includes a timestamp. Next, it exits the application (using "os.Exit(1)" to denote that the application exited with an error). Notice that just like with our "Errorf" call above, we prepend our own message before including the error.

As an reminder from a previous article, when we use "os.Exit()" or "log.Fatalf", deferred items do not run. See "Go (golang) defer - A Better finally" for more information on "defer".

Error Message
The function call to "getIDs" tries to get a slice of integers from a web service. If the web service is not available (for example, if the service is not running), then we get the errors that we have seen here.

Here is the resulting message:
2021/01/10 15:47:24 getIDs failed: error fetching ids: Get "http://localhost:9874/people/ids": dial tcp [::1]:9874: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

If we break this message down, we can see the how the conventions come together.

2021/01/10 15:47:24 getIDs failed:

This part comes from the "log.Fatalf" function from the "main" function. We can see the timestamp along with our message "getIDs failed".

error fetching ids:

Next we see the message from the result of the "fmt.Errorf" function call in the "getIDs" function -- our custom message "error fetching ids".

Get "http://localhost:9874/people/ids": dial tcp [::1]:9874: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

The rest of the message is the error that comes from the "http.Get" function call. Based on the conventions, I would assume that the first message ("Get" with the URI) comes from the "http.Get" function, and the rest comes from the lower level functions that are called within "Get".

A Sort of Call Stack
What we see when we put this all together (using the conventions noted above) is a sort of call stack. The colons are delimiters as we walk down the stack to the original error message.

This is definitely not as formal as the call stack that is part of a C# exception, but it is still useful for tracking the ultimate source of error messages.

Error Handling Philosophy

In Go, handling errors is entirely up to the programmer. We need to check the errors that are returned from functions. If an error is populated, then we decide what to do with it. Even if we are not prepared to handle it directly, we should pass it along as a return value.

This is quite a bit different from C#. If a function throws an exception in C#, we can decide whether we want to handle it or not. If we leave it unhandled, then it walks up the call stack until it finds a handler. And whether we decide to "catch" it or not, the normal execution stops.

This means that in Go we need to be more aware of what functions return errors and how we want to deal with them. But it is entirely up to us to decide.

Ignoring Errors
One option is to ignore errors. There is nothing that forces us to capture an error value that comes back from a function. Here's an example:

    resp, _ := http.Get("http://localhost:9874/people/ids")

This uses the same "http.Get" call from above. But instead of putting the error value into an "err" variable, we use a "blank identifier". This is a discard. The value of the error is not assigned to anything, and we have no visibility to it. The error is completely ignored.

This may work if we have a simple environment that we have full control over, but this is not very common. Instead, what is likely is that we will get a "panic".


A "panic" in Go is most similar to an unhandled exception in C#. A "panic" occurs when an illegal operation is performed -- such as reading beyond the end of an array.

When an "panic" happens, the application will exit. There is no way to "handle" a panic. The good news is that any deferred operations will still run. See "Go (golang) defer - A Better finally" for more information on "defer".

For the sample application, if we do ignore the error from the "http.Get" function, and the service is not running, we get a "panic". Here is what gets dumped to the console:

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x40 pc=0x64de30]

goroutine 1 [running]:
main.getIDs(0xbff756a8f5b21990, 0x2d864d, 0x8f99e0, 0x0, 0x0)
    C:/GoCodeTour/async/main.go:18 +0xa0
    C:/GoCodeTour/async/main.go:60 +0x63

This shows the runtime error: "invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference". I would guess that the problem is a "nil pointer dereference". Above, we saw that "http.Get" returns a pointer to an HTTP response (*Response). This value will be nil due to the error.

So even though we can ignore errors, it is not a good idea.


Let's do a quick review of the conventions:
  • A function returns both data and an error. A non-nil error value means that an error occurred.
  • Check the error before using any data returned from a function.
  • If there is an error, short-circuit the rest of the function.
  • Specific error messages are prepended to an existing error.
  • Error messages should start with a lower-case letter.
  • Error messages should not have line breaks or periods.
None of these conventions are required by the compiler, but we will have a much easier time if we follow them.

What I Find Interesting

I think this philosophy for error handling is quite interesting. There is a clear division between "things I can potentially deal with" (error) and "things I cannot deal with" (panic).

As much as I appreciate the exception handling mechanism that is built in to C# (and the ways that I have taken advantage of that in my own programming), I like the approach of returning an error value from a function. This feels like the programmer has a bit more control over the situation.

It can also be quite a bit more dangerous since it is possible to ignore errors and continue -- that's quite a bit harder with exceptions.

I do like the idea of a "panic". This means that I am in truly an invalid state (trying to dereference a nil pointer, trying to read beyond the end of an array). The "panic" ensures that the application exits, hopefully before any damage can be done.

This gives me a clear delineation between errors I can potentially deal with and those that I cannot.

Overall, there are things to be said for both approaches. But by looking at a different paradigm, it gives me the opportunity to rethink how I program. Are there situations where I can use a more Go-like error handling mechanism? Maybe.

Ultimately, learning how other environments work makes our world a bit bigger and gives us other options to consider.

Happy Coding!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Go (golang) defer - A Better “finally”

My primary world has been C# for a while. There are several things in Go (golang) that I find interesting, particularly when looking at them from a C# perspective. One of those is the "defer" statement.
The "defer" statement lets us ensure that code runs before a function exits.
The closest thing to "defer" in C# is the "finally" part of a "try / finally" block. But “defer” has a characteristic that I really like: we can use it where we’re thinking about it. Let's take a look.

Motivation: I have been using C# as a primary language for 15 years. Exploring other languages gives us insight into different ways of handling programming tasks. Even though Go (golang) is not my production language, I've found several features and conventions to be interesting. By looking at different paradigms, we can grow as programmers and become more effective in our primary language.

Resources: For links to a video walkthrough, CodeTour, and additional articles, see A Tour of Go for the C# Developer.

Example of "defer"

We'll start by looking at some code written in Go. Here's a function called "getPerson" that fetches data from a web service. You can see this function on GitHub in the "CodeTour: Go for the C# Developer" repository: (starting on line 27).

Here's a plain text representation of the same code (sorry there's no syntax highlighting here -- that's why I included the screenshot and link to the GitHub repo):


27  func getPerson(id int) (person, error) {
28    url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:9874/people/%d", id)
29    resp, err := http.Get(url)
30    if err != nil {
31      return person{}, fmt.Errorf("error fetching person: %v", err)
32    }
33    defer resp.Body.Close()
34    if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
35      return person{}, fmt.Errorf("error fetching ...[truncated])
36    }
37    var p person
38    err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&p)
39    if err != nil {
40      return person{}, fmt.Errorf("error parsing person: %v", err)  41    }
42    return p, nil
43  }

We're specifically looking at line 33 here. This line uses the "defer" statement with "resp.Body.Close()".

Similar to IDisposable
"resp" is the response that comes back from an HTTP request (from line 29). The response has a "Body" with the payload of the response (a set of JSON data in this case). The "Body" has a "Close" method that needs to be called when we are done using the Body.

This is similar to an object that implements the IDisposable interface in C#. When we are done with the object, we need to call the "Dispose" method to make sure that everything is cleaned up appropriately. In C#, we often do this in a "finally" block (and we'll explore this more below) or with a "using" statement (which turns into a "finally" block when the code is compiled).

Deferring the Call
In this case, rather than needing to call a "Dispose" method, we need to call the "Close" method on the Body. 

Instead of using a "finally" block, we use the "defer" statement in Go. When we use "defer", the statement will run just before the function exits. The good thing about this is that we can put a "defer" almost anywhere in the code (in this case, anywhere after we have the response body available).

The function has multiple exit points. There is a "return" on line 35 if there is an error retrieving the data. There is a "return" on line 40 if there is an error parsing the data. And there is a "return" on line 42 if things run successfully.

Regardless of which path is followed in the function, the "resp.Body.Close()" method will run before the function exits.

Comparison to try/finally

Let's compare "defer" in Go to "try / finally" in C#. We'll do this with a bit of pseudo-code (since error handling is different in Go, the code will not be directly equivalent).

  var resp = GetHttpResponse(url);
    var person = ParseResponse(resp.Body);
    return person;
  catch (Exception ex)

  resp, _ := GetHttpResponse(url)
  defer resp.Body.Close()
  person, err := ParseResponse(resp.Body)
  if err != nil {
    return person{}, err
  return person, nil

In the C# sample, if the "ParseResponse" call throws an exception, the "finally" block will run and the response body will be closed. If the "ParseResponse" call is successful, then the "finally" block will run and the response body will be closed.

In the Go sample, if the "ParseResponse" call returns an error (and the function returns "early"), the "defer" will ensure that the response body will be closed. If the "ParseResponse" call is successful, then the "defer" will ensure that the response body will be closed.

In both scenarios, the response body will be closed whether the operation was successful or whether it failed.

Note: In this simplified code, we are not checking to see if the "GetHttpResponse" was successful. In the C# code, this could result in an unhandled exception. In the Go code, this could result in a "panic" (which is similar to an unhandled exception). Error handling in Go has quite a different philosophy than C#, and we'll look at this in a subsequent article.

Mutiple Deferred Items

What if there is more than one "defer" in a function? Well, they all run, but they run in the reverse order that they are declared. Here's an example:

  func main() {
    defer fmt.Println("Goodbye")
    defer fmt.Println("Farewell")
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

And here's the output:
  Hello, World!

We can see that the deferred items are run in the reverse order they were declared.

Error Handling

As mentioned above, Go has a different philosophy toward error handling. This is a topic that will be covered in a future article. But it does need to be mentioned here.

In Go, there are no "try / catch" blocks. There are no exceptions that can be handled. Instead, there are errors that can be dealt with (an "error" returned from a function), and errors that cannot be dealt with (a "panic" in Go).

An "error" that is returned from a function can be dealt with in the code. The pattern we see above is common. A function returns an "error" value. If it is not null, then we do something with it (often adding our own message and returning it). This works for things like a web service call that fails or parsing JSON that is not in the right format. We may or may not be able to recover from the scenario, and that is up to our code.

The other type of error state in Go is a "panic". A "panic" is caused by thing like accessing an index beyond the end of an array or writing to a closed channel. These are invalid operations that potentially compromise the state of the application.

A "panic" in Go is most directly similar to an unhandled exception in C#. The "panic" works its way up the call stack and eventually the program exits with an error code.

A big difference between Go and C# is that there is no way to "catch" a panic. Once a panic has occurred, the program will exit.

"defer" and "panic" 
The reason this is important to us is that we need to know what happens to deferred items when a panic happens.

The good news is that "defer" still runs. If a function panics, any defers in that function will still run. If that function was called by another function, defers will run in that calling function. This goes all the way up to the main goroutine.

So if a function panics, all of the deferred items will still run.

Where Deferred Items are *Not* Run

We do need to be aware of a situation where deferred items are not run: when we use os.Exit().

The os.Exit() function exits from the application immediately -- without running "defer". We can see this with a small application.

  func main() {
    defer fmt.Println("Goodbye")
    defer fmt.Println("Farewell")
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

Here's the output:
  Hello, World!

Unlike the earlier example, the 2 deferred items are not run here. "os.Exit()" takes a parameter to tell whether the application exits successfully or with an error. A non-zero value indicates an error (this is often used to tell a batch processing system that an application errored). In the example above, we use "0" as a parameter (meaning the application completed successfully). But regardless of the error code, os.Exit() will bypass deferred items.

As a side note, this is also important in relation to the "log.Fatalf()" function (and its variants). "log.Fatalf()" calls "os.Exit(1)", so deferred items will be bypassed here as well. We'll look at "log.Fatalf()" a bit more in a future article about error handling.

What I Like about "defer"

The big thing that I really like about "defer" is that I can use it where I'm thinking about it. In these examples, I can use "defer" to close the response body right after I get the response. I don't have to remember to do it later.

I always like code that I can use in the spot nearest to where I'm thinking about it.

I find the philosophy of error handling in Go to be quite interesting. That's what we'll look at in the next article.

Happy Coding!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Go (golang) Loops - A Unified "for"

My primary world has been C# for a while. I've been looking at the Go programming language (golang), and I wanted to write a few articles about things I find interesting about the language. Here is the first:
The "for" statement is used for all loops in Go.
In C#, we have quite a few ways to loop, including "for", "foreach", "while", and "do while". Go uses a single "for" statement to handle all of these situations.

Motivation: I have been using C# as a primary language for 15 years. Exploring other languages gives us insight into different ways of handling programming tasks. Even though Go (golang) is not my production language, I've found several features and conventions to be interesting. By looking at different paradigms, we can grow as programmers and become more effective in our primary language.

Resources: For links to a video walkthrough, CodeTour, and additional articles, see A Tour of Go for the C# Developer.

Looping with an Indexer

In C#, the "for" loop sets up an indexer. The Go "for" statement can be used this same way.

    // Print the numbers 0 through 9
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

    // Print the numbers 0 through 9
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

The syntaxes are quite similar. Some differences: 
  • Go does not have parentheses around the condition.
  • Go has the opening brace on the same line as the "for".
  • Go requires the braces even if the body only has 1 line of code.


In C#, the "foreach" loop is handy to iterate over a collection (in reality, anything that implements the IEnumerable interface). Go uses a "for" statement with a range to do this same thing.

    // "weekdays" is an array with the days of the week
    foreach(var day in weekdays)

    // "weekdays is an array with the days of the week
    for index, day := range weekdays {

A big difference in Go is that "range" returns 2 values: the index and the item. If we use the index, then we can index into the collection to get a value out. But if that's what we're doing, we can instead use the value directly.

Side note about unused variables
In Go, if a variable is declared but not used, the result is a compiler error. With a "range", it is common to use the indexer *or* the item, but it is uncommon to use both. In that situation, we can use a "blank identifier" (the '_' character) to note that we are not going to use that value. This is similar to using a "discard" (also the '_' character) in C#.

Here is a "for" loop that is more equivalent to a "foreach" in C#:

    // "weekdays" is an array with the days of the week
    for _, day := range weekdays {

Simple Iteration
One other option with a "range" is to capture neither the indexer nor the item. This will run the body of the loop one time for each item in the range, but it does not use the index or the item in the body.

    // Run a loop one time based on the length of the range
    for range weekdays {
        // do something here

This is limited because we do not have access to the thing that we are iterating, but it does let us perform an action a certain number of times (based on the length of the collection).

While Loops

The "for" statement in Go can also be used as a "while" loop.

    while (command != "stop")
        // do something with the command
        command = GetNextCommand();

    for command != "stop" {
        // do something with the command
        command = getNextCommand()

The statements are similar between C# and Go. The condition is set with the "while" or "for", and the state that affects the condition is updated inside the loop.

do / while
There isn't really a direct way to do a "do / while" loop in Go. In C#, the body of a "do / while" loop will execute at least one time, and the condition is checked after the first iteration of the loop. Personally, I haven't seen a "do / while" loop in quite a while in C#. Generally a "do / while" can be refactored into a standard "while", so this is not a large issue.

Endless Loops

Sometimes we need an endless loop -- okay, generally not endless, but a loop that runs until an explicit "break".

    while (true)
        // do something interesting
        if (stopCondition)

    for {
        // do something interesting
        if stopCondition {

The "for" statement with no condition sets up an endless loop.

Note: the above format is one way to refactor a "do / while" loop. The "do something interesting" section will run at least one time.

"break" and "continue"

The "break" and "continue" statements in Go work the same as in C#. The "continue" statement will stop the current iteration of the loop and go to the next iteration. The "break" statement will break out of the loop entirely.

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of interesting things about the Go language and the design decisions that were made. I think it's very interesting that the "for" statement can cover so many use cases -- things that require "for", "foreach", and "while" in C#. There are pros and cons to this approach.

One "pro" is that there's only one statement to worry about -- if you need a loop, you use "for".

The "con" that goes along with this is that there are many different things that can go in the condition, whether it is an indexer, a range, or an empty condition.

Personal preference, I kind of like the single "for" statement.

Even if you don't end up using Go as a primary language (or even at all), it is interesting to look at how other languages approach certain problems. It can give us ideas of how we can approach things differently in our primary programming language.

Happy Coding!